Devonthink pro vs onenote
Devonthink pro vs onenote

And Evernote makes sharing easier than does DTPO.Įvernote’s ability (with a premium subscription) to search images and PDFs is hugely important for me. I’d occasionally share it with others, but not export it. In 10 years of using DT I never once exported any significant amount of data out of the app. And for me, at least, this argument is far more theoretical than practical. No question it’s easier and simpler in DT, but you absolutely can do it from Evernote, just a bit wonkier.

devonthink pro vs onenote

One of the biggest arguments people make for DT and against Evernote is ability to export data out of the app. I realize some hate having this kind of data in the cloud, but I’m fine with it. Bought a new laptop, restored from the backup, then Evernote synced with the cloud and I was immediately current, didn’t lose a single entry. Had I been on DTPO I would’ve lost what I input for those 5 days. I do weekly fully bootable cloned backups but my last one was 5 days prior to this crash. For example, my last laptop crashed, probably the logic board gone bad. I like having this information stored in the cloud from a security and data retention perspective. Virtually every app on my phone or laptop can directly create notes in Evernote. Much easier to get information into this database. Theirs hasn’t been updated in any meaningful way in over 10 years, and it was ugly back then. I like Evernote’s interface WAY more than DevonThink’s. If I’m sitting somewhere in a waiting room and want to review a cool anatomy article I captured, or chew through my to-read list, or was talking at dinner with a friend and wanted to share a fascinating article I found, or I’m on a website on my phone and want to immediately capture it into my database, Evernote makes all of that really easy. I wanted access to my database both on my laptop and on my iPhone.

devonthink pro vs onenote

Why did I make the switch? A few reasons: I used DevonThink Pro Office for years and about a year ago switched to Evernote for all my information repository needs and have been very happy with that switch.

Devonthink pro vs onenote